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Turkish Bath

Excursions > Antalya


A pleasant smile would welcome you right at the entrance. You will be fascinated about old, Turkish bathing-culture in a hot-air-bath which called “Hamam”. The Hamam, or Turkish bath, stands for far more than getting a leisurely bath or cleansing.
It is a rite and a ritual, in which the elements are harnessed for the cleansing and purification of the body. Since the beginning, the Turkish bath has been much more than just a place to cleanse the skin. It was intimately bound to everyday life, a place where people of every rank and class, young and old, rich and poor, townsmen or villagers, could go in freely and socialis.

Just as hundreds of years ago, first, you will lay your body on a heated marble stone in the middle of Hamam that called “gobektasi”, and sweat from all pores of your skin.
Afterwards, the pleasant procedure of the massage will begin.
With much soap foam and relieve; you will massaged through by the person who called “Tellak”. At the end you will feel yourself very relaxed; and whole of your body is rubbed, cleaned and breathing. You will feel yourself another person, and definitely you'll get renewed and rested.

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